The Fine Art of Creative Advertising
You might hear the term “creative advertising” and wonder if you’re missing something. Isn’t all advertising creative? Sure, all ads have a point – an argument, in a sense – but they have to make that point in a creative way or else they sound like a technical manual or an academic treatise.
Not very effective.
But ads can’t coast on the merest bit of creativity – a little word play here, an interesting picture there. They have to go above and beyond, to break the mold with their creativity.
Creating these kinds of ads may not be easy, but doing so is essential.
Really creative ads are effective because they are able to grab the user’s attention. They might do so because of the way they look, the format they have, their functionality, or even the way they sound. The best ads combine several of these elements to have the greatest impact.
Good ads need to do more than stand out – they have to make users aware of their presence and convince them to stop and look. Ads that are creative and go outside the box of what people expect are most likely to achieve that goal.